Durante a última semana (14 a 18 de outubro), os alunos do Year 5 participaram de atividades de transição para o Year 6, incluindo aulas experimentais que lhes permitiram vivenciar atividades de diversas disciplinas. O contato com outros alunos facilitou a familiarização do Year 5 com a rotina do Middle Years. Além disso, eles tiveram a oportunidade de esclarecer dúvidas sobre as novas disciplinas com os professores correspondentes. Para encerrar esse período, os alunos compartilharam suas aprendizagens ao longo da semana e receberam cartas de seus familiares, tornando essa experiência ainda mais especial.
During the last week (October 14th to 18th), Year 5 students participated in transition activities for Year 6, including trial classes that allowed them to experience activities from various subjects. Interaction with other students helped Year 5 become familiar with the Middle Years routine. Additionally, they had the opportunity to clarify questions about the new subjects with the corresponding teachers. To close this period, the students shared what they had learned throughout the week and received letters from their family members, making this experience even more special.
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