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Conheça as aulas de English, Language and Arts!

Conheça as aulas de English, Language and Arts!

Bem-vindos ao segundo episódio da nossa série “Conhecendo a Maple Bear SBC”! Acompanhem de perto entrevistas exclusivas com nossos professores, coordenação e diretoria, revelando os bastidores e o coração da Maple Bear!

Não perca essa chance de mergulhar no universo educacional canadense que molda o futuro dos nossos alunos. Assista agora e descubra as histórias inspiradoras por trás da educação de excelência na Maple Bear SBC! 🌟🍁

Welcome to the second episode of our series “Getting to Know the Maple Bear SBC”! Get up close with exclusive interviews featuring our teachers, coordinators, and administration, revealing the backstage and heart of Maple Bear!

Don’t miss this opportunity to dive into the Canadian educational universe that shapes the future of our students. Watch now and discover the inspiring stories behind the excellent education at Maple Bear SBC! 🌟🍁

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